An iPhone is a great device, but it can also be frustrating at times. The amount of things you can do with the phone itself, or through the seemingly infinite number of apps is simply mind boggling. To get the most from your phone without losing money and time, keep reading.

Did you know that rice can be used to dry your iPhone if it gets wet? Even the most careful person can drop their phone into the toilet or a water puddle. In lieu of a hair dryer, pat the phone dry with a soft towel, then place in a plastic bag along with rice. Leave it like that overnight, and it should be nice and dry in the morning.

Remember to download updates on your phone whenever they become available. These updates may contain bug fixes, feature upgrades and other important options for your iPhone. It also forces you to store the pictures and other important information you have acquired on your computer so that if something happens to your phone, you haven’t lost EVERYTHING.

Reduce the amount of brightness that you have on your iPhone screen to conserve the battery. You can change the brightness by going to the settings portion of your iPhone. You can save your battery and you won’t have to charge your phone as much.

An iPhone can act as your GPS. The map feature can help you find the nearest gas station or navigate an unfamiliar area. You can bookmark the phone’s map function to access it easily any time.

Does the constant stream of phone notifications annoy you? You can shut them off by following these steps. After you open the main “Settings” menu, touch the bar called “Notifications.” Check the heading marked “In Notification Center” and take out any apps that you don’t need. That should help your battery life as well.

Are you interested in accenting letters in your text conversations on the iPhone, but not sure how to accomplish this? Just follow these simple steps. Touch the letter you’d like to see more options for, and hold down for a few seconds. When you hold down a letter key on your iPhone, you should see an options box that will include several additional ways you can type a specific letter. You can type some fancy letters as much as you want!

One of the most beloved features of the iPhone is the ability to take pictures. If you take a lot of pictures, there is a way to sort and organize them. You can use the album feature to organize your pictures so you can find them easily. The Album is a great way to keep your photos available for viewing.

If you need a quick calculation done, make fast use of your iPhone’s calculator function, which can be found under the utilities section. When holding the phone upright it is a regular calculator, but by tilting it sideways you will get a scientific calculator.

Upgrade your OS to the version that is most current. Apple iPhones have now almost become as intricate as computers, so there exists sporadic patches to repair functionality issues, bugs and security holes. This updating is crucial if personal information is accessed online with your phone.

Don’t waste time using suggested words when typing on an iPhone. If you need to type a note or email and you’re tired of suggestions, tap anywhere on the screen to make the suggestion box vanish. Now you do not have to press ‘x’ every time.

Take a photo with only one hand using your iPhone. You use the volume up button to quickly snap a photo. You will find that the quality of your pictures are just as high as if they were taken the traditional way.

If you are writing an e-mail, but don’t have the time to finish, cancel it instead of closing the app. You’ll get the option to save the unfinished message as a draft this way. When you choose yes, you will then be able to bring up your unfinished email at a later time.

One of the best features included on your iPhone is its thorough and robust dictionary, which comes as a standard part of the operating system. This can be used with just about any app. Whenever you’re reading text, you can tap and hold any word that you see. “Define” will be one of the options that comes up on the subsequent menu.

On your iPhone, you can access your iPod controls, as well as your favorites, in an instant. Go to the settings on your phone, then go to general, and finally go to the home button. Any option that you want to customize can be modified if you tap on it twice and change the settings that appear. This process is fairly easy if you follow all the steps.

One of the benefits of the iPhone is the ability to send pictures. This can be done in two ways. One way is to save an image as part of an attachment and send it via email. Another way is uploading it to Facebook using the Facebook app.

When assessing your contacts on the iPhone, you may just scroll through your list as usual. However, there is an easier way. Begin by having the alphabetical list open and keeping your finger on it. Slide up or down with your finger. This will give you a more controlled way to search through contacts.

If you’re an iPhone owner, then you are probably at least partially aware of the vast number of things it can provide you. Yet, you can sort through everything without getting the full benefits and advantages. Apply the information learned to utilize your iPhone to its fullest.
