When you own an iPhone, you want to make the most of it. However, they often have many questions, as well. Which carrier should you select? Or how about the best applications out there? Which phone models are within my budget? Keep reading for a better understanding of the iPhone and how it can improve your life.

You should be sure to update your iPhone each time a new update is available. These updates may contain bug fixes, feature upgrades and other important options for your iPhone. Your pictures and other files will be saved to your computer; if you damage your iPhone, you will not lose all your data.

While using your phone to browse the Internet, you may find it easier to do with a larger keypad. This does not require you to make any purchases but simply an adjustment on your device. The iPhone has a feature that allows you to rotate the phone, open Safari and have instant access to a more user friendly keyboard. You’ll have a bigger, easier-to-read keyboard instantly.

Buy a screen protector to use on your iPhone. This will help to prevent scratches, which can damage the look of your device. The hypersensitive screen can easily be damaged by dirt or even your fingers! Be certain to always keep a protector on the screen of your iPhone.

You can create a shortcut on your home page for any site that you visit frequently. You just need to visit the site itself. Once you are there, tap on “Go”. Then, you will have the option of adding the site to the home screen. Adding your site to your home screen allows you to rename it. This creates a personalized app.

You can even take pictures with the headphone cord. Begin by bringing the subject to be filmed into view. When you are ready to take the shot, just press down on the cord’s button. Your picture is recorded. To save it, follow the steps you would usually follow when saving a picture.

Do you want to add accents or umlauts to your message? We can help you with that! If you touch an individual letter for only a few seconds, options will appear for that letter. A box that contains extra keys should pop up. The options available for typing specific letters will provide you with many choices for the appearance of letters using your iPhone.

One of the iPhone features most users utilize is that of taking pictures. However, after you’re done take so many photos it can get pretty crazy trying to sort through them all on your phone. Keep your pictures organized with the iPhone album. This feature helps you to quickly find a picture among the many you’ve taken.

Do you know the frustration of missing out on a great shot just because the camera app came up too slowly? Use this simple and fast shortcut. Tap your Home button two times quickly if your screen is locked. There will a little camera icon in the bottom right hand corner. Tapping this button will automatically load your camera.

If you value your privacy greatly, then you should probably use Siri a little less. Apple can record and store what you say to Siri. Although this assists with improving speech recognition and Apple maintains that there is file security, be aware that your conversations with Siri may be recorded.

If you happen to use Safari as your iPhone browser, you do not have to type .com when trying to reach a website. As an example, when visiting a site like Google.com, you can simply type in Google in the URL area and instantaneously you will be brought to the site.

You can take a picture with your iPhone using just one hand. Do this by simply getting the frame how you desire it, and press the button that says + volume. The picture quality is as good as taking them in the normal fashion.

If you are an iPhone user, you can take advantage of the Facebook application on your phone. Not everyone knows yet that Facebook and other social networks are accessible from the iPhone.

Set up word shortcuts on your iPhone to type more efficiently. From the “settings” menu, go to “general, then to “keyboard”, and from there to “add new shortcut.” This lets you input abbreviations that you can use shortcuts for words or phrases that you type frequently. When these shortcuts are typed, the words will automatically be put in.

Love Siri but loathe her voice? If so, this tip should be of interest to you. Find Siri in the General Settings menu. You can set Siri’s language choice to French, German or English. You can also choose your preferred accent; for instance, make Siri British. And even more fun, the British version of Siri is male, so you can have a whole new experience!

You have three different options for scrolling through your iPhone’s contact list. Tap on a single letter to jump to that part of the alphabet, scroll through the list in its entirety using a finger or just do slight pressing. The last way allows you to go though the list quickly.

Are you messaging the same people frequently? Save their numbers in “favorites.” You can use your phone logs–specifically your recent call log and your list of favorites–in order to text or call people. Simply press the arrow next to the contact and select either call or text. That is a great way to determine what your missed calls were supposed to be about!

Direct Sunlight

Make sure you iPhone stays out of direct sunlight for any extended period of time. Excessive exposure to direct sunlight can seriously damage your phone. The battery and other circuitry are only rated for normal temperature conditions.

From reading the above article, you should now have a better understanding of some of the pros and cons of iPhone ownership. The info that you’ve learned will allow you to use your iPhone to its fullest potential.
